Senior/Disability Services
03/16/2016 (mm/dd/yyyy)
There are various services to help children, the elderly, people with disabilities and people unable to work due to illness or injury.
Child allowance (jidou te-a-te)
You are able to receive assistance with money for raising a child. Please apply at the city hall.
Please refer to the Birth and Child Raising sections for more information.
Child maintenance support (jidou fuyou te-a-te)
Families with a child who has disabilities, are able to receive assistance for living allowances. Please apply at the city hall. However families who are financially well off, are not eligible to receive this.
Please refer to the Birth and Child Raising sections for more information.
Special child maintenance support (tokubetsu jidou fuyou te-a-te)
Families with a child who has disabilities, are able to receive assistance for living allowances. Please apply at the city hall.
However families who are financially well off, are not eligible to receive this.
Disabled child welfare allowance (shougaiji fukushi te-a-te)
Families raising a child with severe disabilities are able to receive assistance for living allowances.
Families meeting the following two conditions, may apply
- The child has not yet reached the age of 20years of age.
- The child's family are taking care of the child at home.
You can receive 43,440yen, four times per year. Please apply at the city hall.
However families who are financially well off, are not eligible to receive this.
The elderly
Nursing care (kaigo)
Elderly people who have fallen ill, or have disabilities are able to receive assistance.
Nursing insurance (kaigo hoken)
Persons living in Japan for longer than 3 months, and are between the ages of 40-64, should enter nursing insurance.
When you require nursing care when you become elderly, you will be able to do so at a lower cost.
Please pay for this insurance, along with your health insurance.
In order to be eligible for nursing service
Persons who are above the age of 65years, needing nursing care or who have become ill, should consult with their nearest regional comprehensive support centre (chiiki houkatsu shien sentaa). After that they should apply for a certification of long term care need (youkaigo nintei )「要介護認定」 at the city hall.
People with disabilities
Handbook for people with disabilities
Persons who are unable to move freely due to disabilities, receive a handbook for the physically disabled (shintai shougaisha techou)「身体障害者手帳」.
Persons with learning disabilities, also receive a handbook (ryouiku techou ).「療育手帳」.
Persons with mental disabilities, receive a handbook for the mentally disabled (seishin shougaisha techou).「精神障害者手帳」.
Please obtain a medical certificate from the hospital. This is a document stating which disability one has.
Please hand in your medical certificate to the city hall, to apply for the handbook.
Persons who have the handbooks, will have their tax and hospital fees reduced, and are able to receive a reduction in public transportation fares for buses and trains.
Foreigners who are dependants of Japanese nationals, or have permanent residency, dependant of a permanent resident or settlement visas, are able to apply for welfare, when they fall under the following categories
- Unable to work due to sickness or injury.
- Have no family to provide support or maintenance.
- Receive an income that is too low to support themselves.
There are various kinds of welfare, providing financial support for study, rent, nursing and so on.
Please ask at your welfare office (fukushi jimusho) for further information.