Multilingual Visual Aids have been made for foreign patients.

03/01/2018 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Due to differences in language and customs, foreign residents may find it disconcerting when being admitted to hospital.
Therefore, visual aids have been made for two situations, in simple Japanese and in five different languages.

How to Bathe your Baby

It can be extremely unnerving for anyone trying to bathe their newborn for the first time.
Detailed instructions have been provided on what to prepare, the sequence on how to wash and dress your baby and disinfecting the navel area.

Your Stay in Hospital

Being in hospital may cause a lot of anxiety due to differences in language and customs.
The visual image explains what to bring, precautions and what to expect in hospital.

Application Procedure/Contacts

Shizuoka Association for International Relations Office
Telephone Number 054-202-3411
2F, Mizunomori Building, 14-1Minami-cho, Suruga-ku , Shizuoka City 〒422-8067


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